In English
- California/Local
"Conception to Creation" (2009)
"Decorated Poet to Speak on Campus" (2009)
"Playwrights Bring Workshop to City College" (2009)
"Abstract Monotypes and Familiar Sculptures" (2009)
"Actors Make the Best of Tight Spaces" (2009)
"Reality Clashes With Youthful Idealism" (2009)
"'Gifted' Art to Be Shown at Atkinson" (2009)
"SBCC Art Student Turns Trash Into Treasure" (2009)
"Gray's Dinosaur Class Brings Prehistoric Era to Life" (2009)
"The Bartender Takes It All" (2008)
"No More Dope for Dominic" (2008)
- USA/National
"Famous Publicist Rammed Queue With Father's SUV" (2002)
- Opinion
"Almost Everybody Loves the Plan for High-Speed Trains" (2009)
"Social Justice As a Remedy for International Security" (2001)
- Arts & Entertainment
"Cool Colors From the Wilderness" (2011)
"Gioconda Belli Talks About Forbidden Fruit" (2009)
"Behind the Literary Award" (2008)
"An Evening With James Ellroy" (2008)
"Fine Art Is Fair in NYC" (2002)
"Charles Bukowski—the Post-Beat Outsider" (2002)
"Black Sparrow Press—an Odd Bird" (2002)
"Behind the Curtains of Poetry Press" (2002)
"The Old Man at the Y" (2002)
- Health & Fitness
"Burn Calories Not Money" (2009)
In Swedish
- Scandinavia
"McQueen skildrar värdighet i slaveriets skugga" (2014)
"Langseth växlar spår med ny film" (2013)
"Teatern som gör Stockholm lite större" (2013)
"Ekonomiprofessor: ’Privata skolor måste få gå med vinst’" (2013)
"Byråkratspråket gjorde Grundsten till naturskildrare" (2001)
"Stockholmsspegling — Vandring genom en stad i rörelse" (2001)
"Bråk i dokusåpa blev unik rättegång" (2001)
"Sevärdheter i Stockholm" (1998)
- Europe
"Från fornfynd till actionhjälte – vikingatiden är inne" (2013)
"Utställning i Skottland ger ny bild av vikingar" (2013)
- Economics
"Nischföretag utmanar Nike och Adidas" (2015)
"Amerikansk östkust dikterar modet" (2015)
- Travels
"Beslut man fattar på väg mot toppen" (2017)
"Ansvarsfull turism räddar hotade arter" (2013)
- Journalism 2001–2009 (zip-archive)
[This page was updated April 23, 2018]